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Usb Microscope Driver Download

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Jul 07, 2019  Update your Chipset and USB drivers from the PC maker's Support Downloads web page for your full model number, HP Serial Number, or Dell Service tag from the sticker on PC. Arrow saison 1 episode 1. Bach cello suite no 1. https://cachegreat.weebly.com/cochin-font-free-download-mac.html. Compare the latest drivers with the ones presently installed in Device. Statistics textbook free download. Download usb digital microscope driver for free. System Utilities downloads - Plugable Digital Microscope Driver by Plugable Technologies and many more programs are available for instant and free download.

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To save your time, please contact us if you have any issues with this microscope. We have full experience. We are confident that we can provide the satisfying solution for you. Our email address is jiusion@outlook.com.
Quick Access
Chrome OS

Since Jiusion microscopes use a standard webcam chipset, they will automatically install default webcam (UVC) drivers when plugged in to a host device. They can be used with any webcam apps. User can select one or more to install.
Win10 built-in camera appxploviewAmcapCoolingtech
Easy to install××
User Friendly××
Snap button works××
Zoom button works×××
Measure function×××
SupportWin10 OnlyWin7/8/10Win7/8/10Win7/8/10

1) Win10 built-in camera app
If you are Win10 user, you can plug the microscope to the Win10 computer and open this app to use the microscope directly. You can click 'Windows' logo on the left and find the 'Camera' app. The downside is that you can't use the snap and zoom buttons in this app.
Vms-001 usb microscope driver download for mac2) xploview
Click the link as below to download the xploview installation package. Double click the xploview.exe to install the app and open it. Connect the microscope to the computer. Click “Settings” – “Device” to select “USB2.0 UVC PC Camera” on the dropdown. Note the zoom button doesn’t work on this software.
xploview.exe(3.87MB) Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 | 32 or 64 bit
3) Amcap
Amcap is a custom Windows (XP and above) software package designed specifically to work with the microscope. The download for this can be found below:
Amcap.zip(3.34MB) Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 | 32 or 64 bit
Please email us if Amcap occur errors. We have several free microscope software that are easier to install and use, even without installation. If you need, please send us an email. Email address: jiusion@outlook.com
Click above link to download the Amcap.zip. Once the download is finished, right click the 'Amap.zip' to select Extract All. to extract files out. Open the Amcap folder and double click the “setup.exeDownload” to install the Amcap. Select No, I will restart my computer later. Plug the microscope into the computer. Open the Amcap and click “Device” on menu to select 'GL USB2.0 UVC Camera Device'.
You need to set up the snapshot location for pictures on Amcap when you first use. Select “Capture” – Snapshot Location – Find or new a folder and click “Open”.
4) CoolingTech
Coolingtech measurement software is compatible with Windows 7 8 10. Click link as below to download the Coolingtech.zip. Once the download is finished, right click the 'Coolingtech.zip' to select 'Extract All.' to extract files out. Open the Coolingtech folder and double click the “CoolingTech.exe” to use the Coolingtech measurement software. Close other webcam software like camera app, xploview and Amcap if you can't see anything in this software. Please note the snap and zoom buttons didn’t work in this software. If the software occur errors or want to get a diffence measurement software, please contact us via our customer service email jiusion@outlook.com.
Coolingtech.zip(2.55MB) Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 | 32 or 64 bit

Digimicro Usb Microscope Driver Download

Digital Viewer App is compatible with general purpose Mac microscope software from Plugable Technologies company. Install the app as below and open it. Plug the microscope to the Mac. Click “Settings” – “Device” to select “USB2.0 UVC PC Camera” on the dropdown to make the microscope work. Note the zoom button doesn’t work on this software.
Digital_Viewer_3.1.08.dmg(2.67MB) Mac OS X / macOS (10.5 and later) | 32 or 64 bit
Chrome OS
We don’t have drivers for Chrome OS as Jiusion microscopes can be used with the default Camera app that comes with Chrome. Go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Privacy > Content Settings > Camera, and change the device in the dropdown to “USB Microscope”. Access your camera and your magnified object should appear on the screen.
Ubuntu: Search for the application cheese and click install. Once the installation is completed, open the application cheese. If the program displays your other camera, click on the word cheese in the top bar to access you preferences. In the webcam tab click on the dropdown menu and select USB Microscope.

Usb Digital Microscope 500x Driver Download Mac

Please note that Android support is on a case-by-case basis. Device manufacturers must have support for USB Video Class devices built in or this will not work. You can install this 3rd party app like “USB Camera” , 'OTG View' as below or download on Google Play.
USBCAMERA.apk(4.18MB) Android 4.4 and above
OTG View.apk(5.92MB) Android 4.4 and above
AN98.apk(14.01.MB) Android 4.0 and above
If you brought the Wifi Microscope and need driver or application for it, please check out this page:

Free Usb Microscope Driver